“Only when lions have historians will hunters cease being heroes.” - African Proverb


Special EFFE Label 2021 - Badge of Invention




35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020


Sometimes Sunshine is unexpected and heartily Welcomed…

After waiting through April and August possibilities for the film festival location, because of the “Worm”, neither location date promises arose!

Oh well, pandemics bring about various forms of disappointment, unfortunately.
Lo and behold, ALEX – Open Channel Berlin rose to the occasion and kindly invited the 35th Black International Cinema Berlin 2020 to present our international and intercultural filmmakers artistry through their television station and streaming possibility from October 15-19, 2020 evenings and mornings.

In addition, on December 17, 2020, in cooperation with ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin, we will produce a special festival edition of our intercultural magazine THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin live in the ALEX Berlin studio.


Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith



Unverhofft kommt Sonnenschein und ist Herzlich Willkommen...

Nachdem wir von April bis August auf eine Möglichkeit der Präsentation des Filmfestivals gewartet hatten, ließen sich aufgrund des „Wurms“ keine der beiden Terminaussichten verwirklichen!

Nun ja, Pandemien führen leider zu verschiedenen Formen der Enttäuschung.
Aber jetzt, siehe da! ALEX – Offener Kanal Berlin nahm die Gelegenheit war und lud das 35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020 freundlicherweise ein, die Kunstwerke unserer internationalen und interkulturellen FilmemacherInnen vom 15. bis 19. Oktober in einem Abend- und Morgenprogramm via Fernsehen und Livestream zu präsentieren.

Darüber hinaus produzieren wir am 17. Dezember 2020 in Zusammenarbeit mit ALEX – Offener Kanal Berlin live im Fernsehstudio eine Sonder-Festivalausgabe unseres interkulturellen Magazins THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin.


Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith


35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020


XXXV. 2020 Black International Cinema Berlin


October 15-19 | 2020
ALEX Offener Kanal Berlin | Open Channel Berlin
Television & Livestream



15.10.2020 - 18.10.2020
09:00 pm - 01:00 am (21-01 Uhr)

16.10.2020 - 19.10.2020
10:00 am - 02:00 pm (10-14 Uhr)


in association with
THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin
"Footprints in the Sand?" ExhibitionBerlin
Special Festival Edition

December 17 | 2020
ALEX Offener Kanal Berlin | Open Channel Berlin
Live Television Broadcast
04:00 - 05:30 pm (16-17:30 Uhr)




Transnational and Intercultural Diplomacy
An International Media Project (UNESCO, 2011)


"Despite All...?

            Challenges...? Yes!

                        Obstacles...? No!

                                    Accomplishments...? Yes!

                                                                     Despite All...!"


"Trotz allem...?

            Herausforderungen...? Ja!

                            Hindernisse...? Nein!

                                         Errungenschaften...? Ja!

                                                                     Trotz allem...!"


"A successful soul saving direction for mine and many other persons!
The Flag Still Flies...Always!"
- Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith




35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020



Founder/Producer/Director/Curator / Gründer/Produzent/Leiter/Kurator
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith / Fountainhead® Tanz Théâtre

in association with / in Verbindung mit
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin
"Footprints in the Sand?" ExhibitionBerlin
and Cultural Zephyr e.V.

under the patronage of the German Commission for UNESCO
unter Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission

35. Black International Cinema Berlin 202035. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020



Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Festival of Lights, October 10-19, 2014, Berlin/Germany
Embassy of the United States of America, Berlin/Germany
Collage: Thomas M. Wendt



35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020



Donald Muldrow Griffith (photo right)



XXXII. Black International Cinema Berlin 2017

“...Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Leiter des Fountainhead® Tanz Théâtre in Berlin, tritt nicht nur mit seiner jährlichen Ausstellung 'Footprints in the Sand' in die Fußstapfen von Freiheitskämpfern wie Martin Luther King, sondern seit 32 Jahren auch mit dem Filmfestival 'Black International Cinema Berlin.'...”

“...Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, director of the Fountainhead® Tanz Théâtre in Berlin, not only walks in the footsteps of freedom fighters such as Martin Luther King through his annual exhibition 'Footprints in the Sand?', but also with the film festival 'Black International Cinema Berlin' for 32 years. ...”

Filmfan, 11.5.2017, BAF - Berliner Arbeitskreis Film e.V.



35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020




35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020
Photography: Robert Abbott Sengstacke



EFFE Label 2019-2020

"I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure won´t if I don´t..." - Oscar Brown Jr.
"Mankind will either find a way or make one." - C.P. Snow
"Whatever you do..., be cool!" - Joseph Louis Turner
"Yes, I can...!" - Sammy Davis Jr.
"Yes, We can...!" - Barack Hussein Obama
"Yes, we can and Yes, we better...!" - Barack Hussein Obama and Donald Muldrow Griffith


Supporters and Associates

 Cultural Zephyr e.V. Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith Tulipphoto

African Women in Europe United Against Racism Open Signal - Portland Community Media Center 

 Chicago Native Advances Black Artistry in Berlin35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020
35. Black International Cinema Berlin 2020Wave - International Youth Web Magazine

34. Black International Cinema Berlin 2019